Digital Destiny by Jeff Chester
Summary: Thanks to the gutless FCC, Comcast, etc., will soon own your souls, unless we can organize.
Chief Heroes: mostly anonymous, brave souls
Chief Villains: Newt Gingrich, Michael Powell, Rupert Murdoch, lawyers, politicians, lobbyists
Most frightening idea: that the owners of the cable lines will be able to streamline their own broadband content while everyone else waits in line
Idea that speaks against author's point of view: Chester seems to believe that if we had had a more diverse, free press, everyone in the Muslim world would love us and 9/11 would never have happened.
Best chapters: "Showdown at the FCC," telling the story of the aforementioned Powell's attempt to gut the prohibition on multiple-channel ownership in local areas by media companies, and the response; "The Brandwashing of America," prophesying the future of interactive advertising.
Response: I've always hated my Comcast home page and my AIM Today. They bring me the best of the grocery store checkout celeb mags right to my screen. This book could inspire alliances of the "Crunchy Con" type.
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